Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Diskette Notebooks

Quick and cute! Cheap and, well, cheap! Easy and recycle-y!
Believe it or not, this was made with the scraps left over from the paper stars last week. That's how recycle-y I am! (Ok, or how pack-ratty. Or how much of a slob I am that the offcuts were still lingering a week later. We will speak of it no more, for the scraps have been transformed.)
2 (dead or useless) disks per notebook.
Scrap paper cut to size.
Hole Puncher.
Ruler and pencil if you feel fancy and all precise.
2 small metal key-rings (the junky kind that the mechanics use on those paper tags).

Cut paper! Punch holes! Attach keyrings!
Voila! C'est magnifique! ^.^

Metamorphosis ideas

Ok! It's a bunch- from me, from the manual, from everywhere! Chaos rules.

For each week's theme (and two weeks where I had to come up with original themes - Change Your Perspective and Change the World - our summer is long, baby) I'm listing a few ideas, and a rough guide to the pros, cons, and COST of each idea. Also, linking to inspiration/tutorials/previous posts, etc. If something is listed more than once, it's because I think it applies to more than one theme, and could be plugged in whenever it suits best.

Don't Bug Me, I'm Reading

Insect Origami
-Would need origami paper

Beaded Spiders
-A sign-up would be helpful to determine supplies necessary

Paper butterflies and butterfly mini-notebooks
-No sign-up necessary (Supplies are only paper, photocopies, wire and yarn)
- Brings in nature and metamorphosis with the butterflies
-Paper Butterflies to decorate Teen Area

Change Your Outside

Henna body art
-Temporary Henna tattoos, might need henna artist/volunteer
- definitely need at least one other person to help apply the henna to teens
- not something they can do on themselves, and probably need parent permission slips.

Zombie/Vampire makeup party
-Would need Halloween makeup, maybe a cape,
-use a camera to take pics when they are fully made up, and email to teens or print them later
-a volunteer with makeup experience would be helpful

Change Your Inside

- change your inside and find inner zen
- would need volunteer to lead (unless you have confidence in leading it yourself!)

Change Your Things

T-Shirt Surgery
-Sign-up would be necessary to ensure having enough supplies
-This was a big hit last summer for me
-It cost about $35.00 though- ouch.

Jeans into Tote Bags
-would need to pre-collect and sew bottom edge of bag
-would need sign-up to ensure enough supplies
-sounds like a fun, recyling-focused program

Hardware Jewelry
-make modern, fun jewelry using washers and nuts from the hardware store
-Could ask people for bits and pieces from their toolboxes too

Duct Tape Wallets
– Transform humble Duct Tape into a useful and funky wallet
-Would need lots of Duct Tape

Shrinking Plastic
– Shrinky Dinks or #6 Recyclable plastic
-Sign up would be necessary to ensure having enough supplies
-Would need to use oven– fumes?
-Shrinky Dinks = expensive, #6 Recyclable plastic = free
- Guess which one I'll be doing?
-Guess which one gives more reliable and predictable results? ;)

Changing Technology
Diskette notebooks
– Turn pieces of obsolete technology and scrap paper into funky notebooks
- No sign-up necessary
- Brings in recycling and transforming 'discards' into usable and cool things.

Digital metamorphosis
– using the module at MyPopStudio, use a computer lab or laptop cart to look at before-and-afters in pictures that have been professionally retouched. Then maybe take a photo of each teen and have then try to manipulate it in Photoshop?
-Would need sign-up for lab use/computer use
-Would need a helper to take the photos and get them loaded onto the computers

Changing Times

Jeopardy game
-every question could be about pop culture in the 20th c US - eg. "This hip-swinging musician became an American icon in which conservative decade?" (screen would show a picture of Elvis) answer: The Fifties

Decade Costume Party
- Invite teens to dress up in the styles of different eras
- have some kind of prizes?
-maybe food from different times (eg. Jello mold salad and PopTarts?)

Changing Formats

Movie Night?
- How does a book transform when it becomes a movie?
- Expensive - $85 for film rights
- Could showcase a popular teen book that has been adapted for a movie.

Diskette notebooks
– Turn pieces of obsolete technology and scrap paper into funky notebooks
- No sign-up necessary
- Brings in recycling and transforming 'discards' into usable and cool things.

Metamorphosis Jeopardy
– Questions about teen books and movies that involve metamorphosis, coming of age, transformation, etc.

Changing Your Perspective

Soap carving
– transform a plain bar of soap into a sculpture
- No sign-up necessary

- Found Art
-Make art from found pieces and recyclables

-might need signup to ensure enough suppies
-it would be great if other people could bring in 'junk drawer' items
-inexpensive 'shadow boxes' can be about $1.00 each

Altered Art Books
-Turn discarded board books into works of art
-Would need extensive prep work
- Would need to be a multiple session program
-Might need volunteer to lead multiple session program

Changing The World

Jeans into Tote Bags
-would need to pre-collect and sew bottom edge of bag-would need sign
-up to ensure enough supplies
-sounds like a fun, recyling-focused program

Diskette notebooks
– Turn pieces of obsolete technology and scrap paper into funky notebooks
- No sign-up necessary
- Brings in recycling and transforming 'discards' into usable and cool things.

Show An Inconvenient Truth
-- Expensive - $85 for film rights

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

OK, I promised more detailed pics/instructions for the paper stars, and here they are.

Choose your paper- I decided to make this one a 6 pointed star, so I cut out 12 pattern pieces.

Fold the pieces, with the "pretty side" facing out, for all folds.

Glue the bottom parts of one pretty side to the bottom of another, and do that with all of your pairs of pattern pieces. Then, glue one folded over pretty side of one 'rabbit ear' to the folded over pretty side of another 'rabbit ear' pair. Repeat. Keep going until all of your pairs are glued together. At this point, it might be good to let the whole shebang dry a little bit depending on the glue you are using! ;) then, just take your two last unglued rabbit ear halves, and bring them together with glue!I used binder clips to hold that last bit together while the glue dried.
ta-daa! Done! And again, let me say that the idea, template, and whole goodness came from the clever, creative, and super-green ThisRecycledLife!